Odisha is now days Improving in Technical Education.we are having a Technical University BPUT which was established in the year of 2002.After that people Odisha people, Engineering colleges, Students all have faced so many problems, so many times students are doing strike but there is no permanent solution to all these problems.
Students are blaming University that they are making such strict rules and hard course syllabus which result students are getting back log,University blamimg students that they are not studying properlty in college,but finally students are facing problems, they are paying too much money in colleges.
So there should eb some permanent solution for this problem or else the day will come soon when there will be no student who will show Interest to study Engineering.
This year there are more than 20000 seats are vacant just because of this reason.
BPUT is not taking care about the college lecturers, Engineering colleges are charging too much money from students but to Earn more profit they are recruiting new lecturers who have just passed out from Engineering college.
Who do not have any previous experience then how they can teach a student and can make a career of a student.
So BPUt should make some rule or should make mandatory Entrance exam for Lecturers also.
Then only they can deliver quality Education to students .
Then may be students will leave this strike and these things and will concentrate on studies.
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